jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

CuArTo PeRiOdO iNgLeS


Chuniza College - Park La Aurora

The route begins at school chuniza went out on the pedestrian bridge by the Seine in usme on the road to Villavicencio, to the intersection with Avenida Caracas Avenue boyaca and villavicencio avenue, from there we passed the gas station biomax, neighborhoods we passed tenerife, Cafam valleys, Marichuela and aurora dawn coming to the park, and arrived at the stadium synthetic ....


"Chocolate CupCakes"


- Half cup butter, melted
- Cocoa powder 240ml
- Half cup sugar
- 2 cups bread flour
- 1 tablespoon yeast
- 1 tablespoon of baking
- Pinch of salt
- 1 cup milk
- 1 tablespoon water
- 2 eggs


In a large bowl, mix cocoa, sugar, flour, yeast and salt. Add the butter, milk, eggs and hos vanilla extract, mix well until we go running liquid, incorporate water and mix well. We deal well this mixture into the molds, about halfway because then the mixture will rise whein horneemos.

We put them in the oven at 180 degrees for thirty minutes. When you pass this time, remove and let cool about 10 minutes before unmolding and consume.

And we have this delicious recipe for Chocolate Cupcakes.
Bridge : a construction that allows to save a landform like a river, a canyon , a valley , a road, a railway , a body of water or any other physical obstacle .


to boil (bóil) - hervir
to bone (bóun) - deshuesar
to break (bréik) - romper
to broil (bróil) - asar a la parrilla

to chill (chil) - refrigerar, enfriar
to chop (chóp) - picar, cortar en trozos
to coat (kóut) - rebozar
to cook (kúuk) - cocinar

to cover (káver) - cubrir
to curdle (kérdl) - cuajar
to cut into strips (kat íntchu strips) - cortar en tiritas
to decorate (dékoreit) - decorar

to defrost (difróst) - descongelar
to dice (dáis) - cortar en cubitos
to dilute (dilút) - diluir
to dissolve (disólv) - disolver

to dry (drái) - secar
to empty (émpti) - vaciar
to fill (fil) - llenar
to flip (flip) - dar vuelta

to fold (fóuld) - doblar, plegar
to fry (frái) - freir
to glaze (gléiss) - glasear
to grate (gréit) - rallar

to grease (gríis) - engrasar
to grill (gril) - asar a la parrilla
to grind (gráind) - moler
to halve (jáv) - partir en dos

to heat (jíit) - calentar
to knead (níid) - amasar
to liquidize (líkuidáiss) - licuar
to melt (melt) - derretir

to mince (míns) - picar carne
to mix (míks) - mezclar
to peel (píil) - pelar
to pour (páur) - volcar, verter

to press (pres) - presionar, apretar
to put (put) - colocar, poner
to remove (rimúuv) - quitar, sacar
to rinse (ríns) - enjuagar

to roast (róust) - asar
to roll out (róul áut) - aplanar, extender
to scoop up (skup-áp) - ahuecar (con cuchara)
to seal (síil) - sellar

Moon: is the only natural satellite of the Earth. With a diameter of 3476 km is the fifth largest satellite in the solar system , while proportional in size on your planet is the largest satellite : one quarter the diameter of Earth and 1/81 of its mass

Star : In general , a star is all astronomical object that shines , while in technical and precise terms could say that it is a sphere of plasma that holds its shape thanks to a hydrostatic equilibrium of forces.

galaxy is a collection of stars , gas clouds , planets , cosmic dust , dark matter and dark energy perhaps , united gravitationally . The number of stars that form a galaxy is uncountable , from dwarfs with 107 , to the giant , with 1012 stars ( according to data from NASA's last quarter of 2009 ) .

oasis : a landscape of a desert where you can find water and vegetation. They tend to be more or less extensive portions of land fertilized by a water fountain in the middle of the sand .

avenue: avenue is known as an important way of communication within a city or urban settlement . Generally an avenue has lanes in two directions , either from north to south or east to west , which differentiates it from the street.

Mountain : a topographic eminence (ie , natural ground elevation ) above 700 m over the base. The mountains are grouped except volcanoes, on ridges or hills.

spaceship : a vehicle designed to operate beyond the Earth's atmosphere , in outer space . The robotic spacecraft can either be crewed .

park : a land situated within a population , which is devoted to grassland , woodland gardens and serving as a place for leisure and recreation of the citizens.

Planet : a celestial body that : 1

Orbits around a star or the remnant of it.
Has sufficient mass for its gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium ( nearly round) shape .
Has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit of planetesimals , or what is the same thing has orbital dominance .

Desert : A desert is a biome that receives little rainfall . They have a reputation for having little life , but that depends on the kind of desert life in many there is abundant vegetation adapts to the low humidity ( desert scrub ) and fauna usually hide during the day to preserve moisture.

garden: is an area of ​​ground where plants are cultivated , with possible addition of other elements such as fountains or sculptures , for the pleasure of the senses .

forest : a vegetation ecosystem where trees are predominant .

Cave : is a natural ground cavity caused by some erosion of flowing water, ice or lava, or less commonly, a combination of several of these factors. In the most common case , the caves are formed by the dissolution of limestone by the slightly acidic water .

people : the set of people in a nation, but also can be understood as part of a country, a region or a town , or even assimilated the very concept of country or locality

river : a natural stream of water flowing continuously . It has a certain flow is rarely constant throughout the year , and empties into the sea, in a lake or another river in this case as a tributary

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